Dr. J. Michael Davis is a Senior
Health Scientist with the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency in the National Center for Environmental Assessment
at Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, within EPA's
Office of Research and Development. He obtained the Ph.D.
degree in Experimental Psychology at Duke University and
held postdoctoral research fellowships with the Department
of Zoology at the University of Oxford, England, and the
Biological Sciences Research Center, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill. He has also served as a Principal
Investigator, Research Associate, and Lecturer at Duke
University and Lecturer at North Carolina Central
University. He is a member of various professional
societies, including the Society of Toxicology, the
Neurobehavioral Teratology Society, and the Behavioral
Toxicology Society, as well as the advisory committee for
the Biological Effects of Low-Level Exposures (BELLE)
initiative. His professional activities are primarily in the
area of assessing the public health risks associated with
fuels and fuel additives (e.g. lead, manganese, alcohols,
ethers). His research interests include various
neurotoxicological risk assessment issues, such as
cross-species extrapolation, non-monotonic ("U-shaped")
dose-response relationships, and meta-analytic approaches to
data synthesis.
Selected Publications:
Davis, J.M.; Elias, R.W.; Grant, L.D. Efforts to reduce lead
exposure in the United States. In: Mineral and Metal
Neurotoxicology, M. Yasui, K. Ota, M.J. Strong, and M.A.
Verity, eds., CRC Press, in press.
Davis, J.M.; Elias, R.W. Risk assessment of metals. In: the
Toxicology of Metals, l. Chang, ed., CRC Press, in press.
Davis, J.M.; Svendsgaard, D.J. Nonmonotonic dose-response
relationships in toxicological studies. Comments on
toxicology, 5:99-122, 1995. (Reprint of chapter by same
title in: Biological Effects of Low Level Exposures:
Dose-Response Relationships, 1994, see below.)
Re-evaluation of Inhalation Health Risks Associated with
Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese tricarbonyl (MMT) in
Gasoline. Office of Research and Development, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC,
EPA report no: 600/R-94/062, 1994. (Team leader and a
principal author).
Davis, J.M.; Svendsgaard, D.J. Nonmonotonic dose-response
relationships in toxicological studies. In: Biological
Effects of Low Level Exposures: Dose-Response Relationships,
E. J. Calabrese, ed., Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, Florida,
pp. 67-85, 1994.