The basic thesis of the Crawford and Wilson article (1) is the well known
theory of low-dose linearity sometimes called the incremental dose-incremental
effect theory. Drs. Wilson, Crawford and Heitzmann make a good presentation
out of this long known theory of toxicological action and its possible
application to noncarcinogenic endpoints. They are to be commended for a
thoughtful and clear presentation. The invited summary and commentaries to
this article published in the Volume 6, No. 1 of the BELLE Newsletter of March
1997 have also done a fine job presenting the main important points of the
several theoretical and experimental arguments that can be made either for or
against the thesis from Dr. Wison's group at Harvard. Constructive criticism
helps the field of risk assessment advance and this is what we saw in the
preceeding BELLE Newsletter - a Hegelian sequence of scientific thesis,
antithesis and synthesis.
In this subsequent invited commentary I wish to emphasize several points
made by prior commentaries, extend these points in some cases and hopefully
add some hopefullynew thoughts to the fray that is dose-response relationships
in the low and experimentally untestable range.
1. The two critical assumptions of the low-dose linearity theory.
Both Drs. Myron Pollycove and Robert Sielken, Jr. identified and presented
the best counter argument to the incremental dose
incremental effect theory. In Dr. Sielken's commentary he states "First, the
background dose and the "pollutant" are assumed to have exactly the same
mechanism of action (that is the background dose and the pollutant dose are
additive in the dose-response relationship)." Sielken later writes "Second,
the authors assume that the dose-response relationship is monotonic (strictly
increasing in dose)." It is exactly these two critical assumptions that cannot
be demonstrated to be true in many cases. In most cases of chemical pollution
we do not know the exact mechanism of toxicological action at a high level of
scientific sophistication and certainty. All we have are our current,
experimentally limited, scientific models and hypotheses. The assumption that
the dose-response curve is monotonic is even less tenable. Why not assume that
the dose
response relationship is nonmonotonic? A more complete theory of low
dose-response relationships would include hormetic responses, no
responses at all and positive monotonic responses. Examples of all
three of these cases will now be given. As example of a hormetic response,
very low doses of either TCDD or phenobarbital to rats decrease the number of
rat hepatic foci from that of concurrent control groups; higher doses of TCDD
or phenobarbital increase the number of hepatic foci (2). In the NCTR
2-acetylaminofluorene megamouse experiment, the incidence of urinary bladder
cancer showed no significant effect over a certain dose range and then
increased at higher doses (60ppm-150ppm) (3). This is an example of no
significant biological response. In the same experiment the incidence of liver
cancer was linearly related to the dose of 2
acetylaminoflurorene over the entire dose range (3). This is an example of a
positive monotonic response.
In summary, one should conclude that these two critical assumptions (same
mechanism, monotonic increase) pertaining to low dose dose-response
relationships have not been proven to be true or justified in their utilization
by Dr. Wilson's group.
2. Mathematical form of the dose-response relationship
Selecting the form of the mathematical equation determines what type
of low dose response is obtained in the environmentally important often
experimentally untestable low dose region. Of this situation Dr. Dale
writes "If I have any complaint about their summary and their more extensive
earlier paper (Crawford and Wilson, 1996), it is that they have chosen a
mathematically tractable power law dose response formulation for their
illustrations, rather than something like a probit
which is more directly interpretable in terms of lognormal variability in
susceptibilities to toxic action (and/or) a lognormal distribution of
functional reserve capacities in our diverse human population." Nonlinear
transition or sequential-cascade type equations are one alternative to power or
power series equations. Nonlinear transition equations often have an upper
bound or asymptote and a transition point about which the curve may be
symmetrical or nonsymmetrical. Examples of these types of equations include
log normal cumulative, logistic dose response, sigmoid, gaussian cumulative,
and cascade type equations built on chemical reaction kinetics. These types of
equations can give lower slopes or even no practical slope at all in the very
low dose regions. The equation for a sigmoid curve with an intercept is
y=a+b/(1+exp(-(x-c)/d)), where a is the y intercept, and the values for b, c,
and d control the sigmoidal shape of the curve. Nonlinear transition equations
do not model hormetic responses well; but hormetic responses can often be
modeled by power series equations such as a quadratic or cubic equation.
Sequential-cascade type models (such as the Moolgavkar type of model in
the carcinogenesis area) (4) offer a lot of advantages. Sequential-cascade
models contain multiple stages and the overall process is modeled somewhat like
a sequential chemical reaction (i.e. A ---> B --> C --> D --> E --> F). In the
carcinogenesis area they can explain the difficult problem of why cancer does
not occur in most human organs at higher frequencies and at earlier ages. As
there are many exogenous mutagens as well as continual DNA damage from
endogenous activated oxygen species produced during intermediary metabolism,
one wonders why some men and women can reach their eighties without cancer in
any organ while mice and rats sometimes have a difficult time avoiding cancer
during the first two years of their much shorter lifespan. As well summarized
by Dr. Myron Pollycove "From this point of view, the problem of cancer seems to
be not why it occurs, but why it occurs so infrequently." The slowness of
cancer to develop in humans may be due to our multiple, highly efficient
defense and repair mechanisms. These defending and repairing factors should be
included in any holistic mathematical model of the time and dose dependence of
human cancer. Because defense and repair mechanisms exist, sequential-cascade
types of models are attractive because they can include the considerable
biological complexity of defense and repair capabilities that we already know
3. An example of the dose-response relationships for
2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) - induced hepatic microsomal enzyme
induction and hepatocellular carcinomas in female rats.
TCDD's induction of the microsomal enzyme aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase
(AHH) in female rat liver has been studied by Kitchin and Woods (5) in
experiments utilizing 10 different TCDD doses. TCDD
induced hepatocellular carcinomas in female rats were quantified in a Dow
Chemical Company study utilizing 3 different TCDD dose published by Kociba et
al. (6). As both experimental studies included measurements of how much TCDD
was present in the livers of TCDD treated rats, both dose response curves can
be plotted on a common x axis of the rat hepatic TCDD concentration (pg of TCDD
per g of liver) (Figure 1). Once this is done, the two dose response
relationships in Figure 1 appear to be fairly similar in shape. Indeed the
data of Figure 1 suggests that there may be two parallel curves for TCDD - a
lower dose curve for hepatic AHH enzyme induction and a higher dose curve for
hepatocellular carcinoma. What limits this scientific interpretation of
possible parallelness from being more throughly tested is that lethality limits
the amount of TCDD that can be given to experimental rats. Thus, the full
possible curve of TCDD
induced hepatocellular carcinoma can never be experimentally observed because
the rats will die of TCDD poisoning before developing tumors. Thus, the
percentage of rats developing TCDD
induced hepatocellular carcinoma is limited by TCDD's lethality.
The ideas offered by Dr. Wilson's group are germane to both cancer and
noncancer endpoints. Let us see how well these ideas do with these particular
TCDD data sets which contain both cancer and noncancer endpoints. With log
transformed dose the AHH data can be well fit by a sigmoid type of equation
(r2 = 0.9972); a power law equation as suggested by Dr. Wilson's
group does not fit this data as well (for the equation y = a + bxc,
the r2 = 0.9375). Attempting to fit different equations to the four
available hepatocellular carcinoma data points of Kociba et al. study is
basically futile as far too many equations fit the very limited number of data
points well including linear, quadratic, power, nonlinear transition equations
etc. We have waited nearly 20 years for a better experimental study of the low
dose range of TCDD-induced tumors in experimental animals, but the best study
is still the 1978 study of Kociba et al. (6). As this type of experimental
work is difficult, expensive, time consuming and not in current favor with
federal granting agencies, it may be a very long time indeed before a superior
dose response rodent study of TCDD
induced hepatocellular carcinoma eventually becomes available.
In the meantime one can speculate that the mechanisms of the two different
TCDD effects (AHH enzyme induction and liver tumors) may be mechanistically
related and that their dose-response relationships may be similar as well.
Therefore, it is an attractive alternative to use the available AHH enzyme
induction data to select mathematical equations for dose response extrapolation
and then use these equations to make predictions or extrapolations about what
the dose response curve for liver tumors might be like. This could be a useful
approach in experimental design of future TCDD cancer experiments and/or TCDD
risk assessment.
Based on regression analysis of both the untransformed and log transformed
AHH enzyme activity and hepatocellular carcinoma data sets, I wish to offer the
following ideas or interpretations to the BELLE dose-response forum:
(A) A power equation is not a good choice for either version of the AHH data
set, although the power equation is among the best simple equations for fitting
to some degree of quality both this AHH data set and many other biological data
sets. The selection of mathematical equations is the most critic issue in low
dose risk assessment.
(B) Nonlinear transition equations fit the AHH data set better than power or
power series type of equations. This generalization is true for both
untransformed and log transformed TCDD dose. In general, nonlinear transition
equations have been underutilized by the risk assessment community even though
nonlinear transition equations have several attractive features (7).
( C ) Among nonlinear transition equations it is difficult to justify the
preference of one nonlinear transition equation over another. However, for
this AHH data set the log normal cumulative (r2 = 0.9977,
r2 = 0.9974 for the untransformed and log transformed dose,
respectively) and the logistic dose response (r2 = 0.9972,
r2 = 0.9971 for the untransformed and log transformed dose,
respectively) equations do particularly well. Among the 14 nonlinear
transition equations tested, most fit the data points very well and 12 out of
14 nonlinear transition equations had r2 > 0.9925.
(D) A good experimental study of TCDD-induced hepatocellular carcinoma might
require as many as about 8 very carefully chosen doses of TCDD. Such an
elaborate 8 dose-response study of TCDD
induced hepatocellular carcinomas could advance the art and practice of TCDD
risk assessment. Any additional experimental studies of 4 or less TCDD doses
will have little or no hope of adding to our present day scientific knowledge
or improving mathematical modeling of TCDD-induced hepatocellular
(E) Using a mathematical equation selected by a data analysis of a surrogate
biomarker, hepatic AHH induction, rather than by data analysis of the
hepatocellular carcinoma incidence data itself, may be a defendable risk
assessment practice. For example the log normal cumulative, logistic dose
response or sigmoid equation could be used to model the dose response
relationship for TCDD-induced hepatocellular carcinomas. This basis of
mathematical equation selection is about as good as other practices that we
currently utilize in risk assessment.
It is difficult to make progress in the area of low dose extrapolation
regardless of whether one takes an experimental, theoretical or mixed
approach. The considerable difficulty of making real progress, the lack of
funding in the dose-response area and the reticence of humans and regulatory
institutions to change may be the three chief reasons that we as a society have
not advanced faster in this scientific area in the recent past. However, real
progress is still possible based on new experimental studies of a high level of
quality over a considerable part of the dose-response range. For example, the
TCDD and AHH data set argues against the use of the power law as a dose
response extrapolation method. Similarly, theoretical model construction and
mathematical studies of substantial sophistication can be done to advance the
current state-of-the-art in risk assessment. Moolgavkar type models are
examples of progress being made via the construction of theoretical models in
the carcinogenesis field. Because the current cost of computing systems keeps
coming down, the overall prospects for improvements in the low dose
environmental world may be brighter in the theoretical camp than in the
experimental camp right now. One could not end this commentary much better
than to draw attention to David Hoel's concluding sentence "What should be said
is that low-dose linearity is speculative and it is a reasonable assumption for
public health purposes in those instances where there is no scientific evidence
to the contrary."
1. Crawford, M. And Wilson, R. 1996. Low dose linearity: The rule or the
exception? Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 2(2): 305-330
2. Pitot, H.C., Goldsworthy , T.L., Morgan S., Kennan, W., Maronpot, R., and
Campbell, H.A. 1987. A method to quantitate the relative initiating and
promoting potencies of hepatocarcinogenic agents in their dose-response
relationships to altered hepatic foci. Carcinogenesis 8: 1491-1499
3. Farmer, J.H., Kodell, R.L., Greenman, D.L. and Shaw, G.W. 1979. Dose and
time response models for the incidence of bladder and liver neoplasms in mice
fed 2-acetylaminofluorene continuously. Journal of Environ. Pathology and
Toxicol. 3, 55-68.
4. Moolgavkar, S.H. 1986. Carcinogenesis modeling. From molecular biology to
epidemiology. Ann. Rev. of Public Health 7, 151-169.
5. Kitchin, K.T. and Woods, J.S. 1979. 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo
p-dioxin (TCDD) effects on hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-448
mediated enzyme activities, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 47: 537-546
6. Kociba, R.J., Keyes, J.E., Beyer, J.E., Carreon, R.C.,Wade, C.E.,
Dittenber, D.A., Kalnins, R.P., Frauson, L.E., Park, C.N., Barnard, S.D.,
Hummel, R.A. and Humiston, C.G. 1978. Results of a two-year chronic toxicity
and oncogenicity study of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p
dioxin in rats. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 46: 279-303
7. Kitchin K.T., and Brown, J.L. 1996. Dose-response relationship for rat
liver DNA damage caused by 1,2-dimethylhydrazine. Toxicology 114:
Bernard L. Cohen
Physics Department
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Tel: 412-624-9245
Fax: 412-624-9163
I hope it is clear to all that the paper on "Low Dose Linearity..." by
Heitzmann and Wilson (hereafter H-W) has absolutely no relevance to the
current debate in the radiation health effects community over use of the
Linear-No Threshold (L-NT) paradigm.. H-W points out that, if we know the slope
of the dose-response relationship at the high end of the region of background
radiation, what mathematicians call "analytic continuation" requires that the
dose-response relationship for small amounts of incremental radiation, such as
that caused by our technology, must be linear with this same slope. This has no
relationship to the slope used in current practice based on L-NT which is
derived by drawing a straight line from the well established dose vs response
data points at high doses down to the origin. For example, that procedure
obviously gives a positive slope indicating that low level radiation is
harmful, whereas in the low dose region where H-W is applicable, the slope may
well be negative as expected from hormesis considerations. There is certainly
no evidence contradicting this possibility and there is a substantial body of
evidence supporting it. If that slope is indeed negative, H-W requires that the
dose-response relationship for low level incremental radiation, such as
exposures from the nuclear industry, also have a negative slope, which
means that these exposures are protective against cancer.
John T. Barr
162 Brandywood Dr., Easley, SC 29640
Those who support their belief in the philosophy of low dose linearity by the
assumption of additivity of effects from background and ambient exposure
indulge in circular reasoning of the most obvious type. The very assumption of
universal low dose additivity of effects denies the existence of a no-effect
level. That unproved assumption is then used to demonstrate its own
Perhaps it is not surprising that this fatal flaw in regulatory philosophy is
supported primarily by nonbiological scientists and by regulators seeking to
justify their own conservative regulatory policies. It is most unfortunate that
these supporters fail to heed the advice of Heitzmann and Wilson that "it is
important --to have some understanding of the underlying biological
mechanism(s)." They offer no supporting experimental evidence, but nevertheless
insist that their philosophy be examined yet again. Perhaps the "remarkably
little attention" that they say their philosophy has received to date is not
for want of examination, but for want of acceptance by the mainstream of
There are other fatal flaws of the linearity philosophy such as total lifetime
dose, which even the EPA confesses it cannot justify on a scientific basis, and
the ignoring of the concepts of dose to target organ and latency, both of which
require some knowledge of biological mechanisms.
I and more than 99% of my colleagues who received significant exposures to
vinyl chloride 25 or more years ago are living proof of the existence of
sequential thresholds which must be exceeded before clinical effects are found.
First, there must be sufficient exposure for the vinyl chloride to be absorbed
through the lungs and transported to the liver. Next, the detoxification
capacity of the liver must be overwhelmed. Then the defense mechanisms of the
arterial wall cells must be defeated. Finally the immune system as a whole must
fail. In our case less than 1% of the most heavily exposed persons developed
angiosarcoma in their livers. This occurred with an average latency period of
about 25 years, ranging from about 16 to over 40 years. This time does not seem
to be dose dependent.
It is unthinkable that all of the biological evidence demonstrating the
necessity of no-effect levels be disregarded, and most especially the great
body of evidence developed by the CIIT, and that brought forth by BELLE itself
in recent years. Both organizations distribute regularly summaries of findings
that even a layman can understand. We should not be deterred from our support
of these very valuable endeavors by yet another bit of wishful thinking.